A blue logo with the letters ND signifying Natalie Dance bookkeeping


A photo of a family with Natalie Dance, her husband, and her boys.

I'm a Bookkeeper and a Mother

I come from a math-centric family background, and you might cringe, but as a kid, I genuinely enjoyed helping my dad crunch statistics for work – and he sweetened the deal with candy. It was a win-win, right? Math and keeping things organized just click with the way my brain works.

My husband and I discovered that we both enjoy life a whole lot more when we share the work and parenting responsibilities. Fortunately, he has a job that allows for that balance. So, for half of the week, while he's busy having a blast with the kids, I'm diving into client transaction records and untangling bookkeeping puzzles. As your professional bookkeeper, I've got the knack for getting the job done correctly and on time, every time. Drop me an email, and let's set up a time to talk.

Even though I have a soft spot for numbers, what truly lights up my life is spending time with my family. I'm the proud mom of three charming little boys who can easily talk me into endless rounds of "driving motorcycles" around the couch for what might be an embarrassing amount of time. As a family, we're all about the outdoors, exploring, and participating in high-adventure sports.

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